Why We Vote: Community Bean Poll Results Are In
Alicia Vause
Posted: 2024-11-15T01:51:00Z
Throughout the summer and fall, LWVK members engaged with community members by asking them to rank the three issues most important to them when voting. Here are the results:

- 446 people participated in either a "Bean Poll" or "Spend-a-Dot" activity.
- The top 5 topics picked as to why they vote: Reproductive Rights, Democracy, Healthcare, Affordable Housing, Education.
How it worked
Participants were given three beans (thus the "Bean Poll", heh, heh) or 3 dots of two different colors. White beans and yellow dots were worth 2 points, while red beans and green dots were worth one. The issue of most importance was awarded the white bean/yellow dot, and the two "lesser" issues were awarded the red bean/green dot. Most participants found making a choice to be quite difficult. By counting the number of top issue beans or dots, we could track the number of people who participated in our poll.

A Bean Poll at Juneteenth. Red bean = most important issue

A Spend-a-Dot board at Olympic College. Yellow dot = most important issue
Where we did it
We had events the following locations: Bremerton Farmers Market, Coffee Oasis, Goodwill, Kitsap Regional Library, Olympic College, and a high school. (Our first Bean Poll was at the Juneteenth festival...but it was not included in the results because we spilled the beans–literally 😄)

LWVK volunteers talking to people about a Bean Poll at the Juneteenth Festival in June 2024.
Show Me the Data
OK nerds! Here are our final tallies (minus Juneteenth beans):