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Vote With the League

The LWV of Kitsap is nonpartisan (meaning we don't support or oppose any parties or candidates), but that does not mean we are non-political.  Read below about how we come to consensus opinions on issues. 

State Initiatives Overview & Recording

The League of Women Voters is opposing the four statewide initiatives on the Ballot this November and asking voters to vote NO on:

- I-2066 requiring certain utilities and local governments to provide natural gas to eligible customers
- I-2109 repealing the long-term capital gains tax
- I-2117 prohibiting carbon tax credits and trading and repealing legislation establishing a cap and invest program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- I-2124 allowing employees and self-employed people to opt-out of Washington's long term care insurance program.

This forum discussing the initiatives was recorded on September 17, 2024 by LWV of Seattle/King County:

Vote No on 4 ballot initiatives

Vote NO on Initiative 2066

Excerpt from LWV of WA news release "LWVWA Takes Stand Against Initiative 2066":

....Initiative 2066 would prohibit towns, cities, and counties from enacting building codes that encourage electrification of home and building energy. Building electrification improves indoor air quality over fossil-fuel sources. In addition, it would repeal HB 1589 passed in 2024. This law applies only to Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and specifies that PSE plan for an eventual transition to renewable, low-emission energy sources. The law also consolidates and clarifies multiple planning processes required by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission providing more efficiency and transparency.

HB 1589 does not force electrification, it does not require removal of natural gas service in existing buildings and homes, nor does it prohibit natural gas in new buildings. The law was supported by PSE and requires that they consider electrification as part of their integrated system plan. It also requires PSE to end residential customer incentives for natural gas in 2025.

Natural gas is primarily methane, a fossil fuel and potent greenhouse gas. Methane and products of its combustion degrade human health, especially in children, and especially in buildings and homes. Electric energy in buildings and homes is safer, healthier, and more efficient. Therefore, we should encourage the transition with planning and investment...


Vote NO on Initiative 2109

Excerpt from LWV of WA news release "LWVWA Takes Stand Against Three Ballot Initiatives":

.... Initiative 2109, Repeal Capital Gains Tax, if passed, would terminate a significant source of income for education and school construction that is generated from the state’s wealthiest individuals. Collections to date have exceeded nearly $1 billion in 2023 from only 3,895 taxpayers. This tax not only supports the state’s mandate to amply fund education but also shifts the balance in the state’s revenue structure toward equity from the most regressive tax structure in the US.

The League of Women Voters’ positions on this issue are that the state has the responsibility for amply funding education and that action to obtain a balanced tax structure that is fair, adequate, flexible, and has a sound economic effect is needed.


Vote NO on Initiative 2117

Excerpt from LWV of WA blog post "Initiative 2117 is a Bad Deal for Washington State—Vote NO on 2117":

.... I-2117 would force drastic cuts to funds for our state’s transportation plan, putting road projects at risk, reducing public transit service, cutting funding for new ferries, and making traffic worse. I-2117 would mean more pollution in our air and water, and it would gut programs that protect communities from wildfires. It would jeopardize vital protections for our waterways and eliminate efforts to support salmon recovery and fish habitat. There is nothing in I-2117 that guarantees lower gas prices. It is a misleading initiative opposed by over 350 organizations including firefighters, small businesses, Tribal Nations, doctors and more because repealing the CCA would threaten our health and make traffic worse.

The LWVWA recommends voting no on I-2117....
Other background resources:

  • Slide show by Marty Gibbins (Issue Chair for LWV of WA) that gives an overview of I-2117 and the Climate Commitment Act–detailing what the existing legislation funds and how it helps us meet our climate goals: Download Slideshow (pdf)  

Vote NO on Initiative 2124

Excerpt from LWV of WA news release "LWVWA Takes Stand Against Three Ballot Initiatives":

.... Initiative 2124, Opting out of Long-Term Services Insurance Program, threatens to jeopardize the state's groundbreaking mandatory long-term care benefit which guarantees access to vital long-term care and home health care services for all employed individuals in Washington. This benefit is sustained by contributions from employees over time, serving as a crucial safety net for the 70% of the population who will inevitably require long-term care at some stage. However, rendering this fund optional would jeopardize coverage for those in need and likely lead to its financial collapse, rendering it ineffective for those who do contribute to the fund.

The League of Women Voters advocates for universal access to essential healthcare, including long-term care, for all residents of the United States. We support comprehensive reform of the healthcare system to ensure that everyone can access a comprehensive, uniform, and affordable range of services. Additionally, we support programs and policies aimed at poverty reduction, promoting self-sufficiency for individuals and families. At present, only people of means can afford long-term care insurance.

About Nonpartisanship and Issues

Since our inception in 1920, the League of Women Voters has been a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. The League neither supports nor opposes political parties or their candidates, but the League does lobby for issues its members consider important. Support for issues is the result of careful study, and consensus among members. These studies take at least one year to complete, and positions are voted on at State and National biennial Conventions.

Founder Carrie Chapman Catt was adamant that the League be a non-partisan organization. She feared supporting one candidate over another could jeopardize the League's ability to lobby for "women's issues". The League of Women Voters works diligently to maintain our nonpartisan status. We support issues, but never support the party or candidate that proposes legislation.


LWV Kitsap

P.O. Box 1524

Poulsbo, WA USA 98370